Living memory
A tribute to the wisdom of a people
The Living Memory project of Tajo Internacional is a tribute to the wisdom of a people settled on a land full of contrasts. A novel bid for enhancing this intangible heritage which makes up the identity of this territory. In Salorino we can explore the first intervention of this project in the open air which some day may come to draw together the whole cross-border territory of Tajo Internacional.
On the one hand the visitor will find two “museum stations” located on the Plaza de la Bola and the Alcántara Drovers’ Road next to the Chapel of Santa Ana, where we will get to know some of the most interesting cultural and ethnographical aspects of the territory in which transhumance plays an especially important role. Each of the panels contains reproductions of interviews of people from the territory who tell us of their knowledge on each of the themes dealt with; they can be listened to below.
Smugglers and bandits in frontier lands
Language, festivals, and traditions
Traditional trades
Lost trades
A paradise of tastes
Salorino in Tajo Internacional
Traditional architecture
A mixture of cultures and traditions
Traditional architecture
The pre-industrial heritage
Walls, huts, and farmhouses
Stockbreeding and transhumance
Drovers’ roads and paths
The stockbreeding character
of Tajo Internacional
Transhumance constructions
The transhumance culture
The splendour and the crisis
of transhumance
Head shepherds, shepherds, and mastiffs
The past, present, and future of transhumance
As part of this project we find a series of large-format murals which show the natural and ethnographical richness of this territory recognised as a Cross-border Biosphere Reserve and which we can admire by means of a route through various places in Salorino. A whole set of elements which centralise the traditional knowledge of this territory in which multiculturality and ancestral wisdom come together.
Dentro de este proyecto encontramos una serie de murales de gran formato que presentan la riqueza natural y etnográfica de este territorio reconocido como Reserva de al Biosfera Transfronteriza y que podremos admirar a través de un recorrido por diferentes localizaciones de Salorino. Todo un conjunto de elementos que ponen en el centro el saber popular de este territorio en el que confluyen la multiculturalidad y la sabiduría ancestral.